Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Weekend Rides & Challenge Sign-ups

Since it's Thanksgiving break for TAS teachers, I've got some rides planned for the next few days:

Wednesday 5 am @ TAS Bryson Ride
Thursday 6 am @ TAS Triple Crown Challenge (4ish hours of fun- see profile below)
Friday 1:30 pm @ TAS Flat Coast Smash (either return on the coast or up Jinshan)
Saturday Rest
Sunday 7:30 am @ Sean's Shop to ride with the boys...

Triple Crown Profile

Let me know if you'd like to join up...

I'm bringing the December 2nd Challenge Ride sign up into Sean's tomorrow evening. So far, it's me, Ron, Bills, Leon, Simon, and Chris. We've decided to ride it as a group. More are welcome- registration is free and food is provided. It'll be about 180 km, assuming we turn off at Tamshui. Just sign up by November 25th...

The December 10th Yangmingshan Challenge sign up sheet is at Sean's. Cost is 500 NT.

Hope to see you out in the hills!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm coming too, bill...
already signed up with UpUp Club, but as i am a bit language limited with most of them, i'll probably ride in a group with you guys. i plan to do the whole hog, so if anybody else wants to join in too, they are welcome to ride in front of me ;-)

not sure of your weather thursday AM. good luck! hope you like lightning in the mountains.