Friday, May 11, 2007

Saturday Morning Ride

Anyone up for a short ride Saturday morning? I need to be home by 9 am. I'd be happy just to get out for an hour or so, but I can go longer, too.

If you've been meaning to do a particular ride, I'd be happy to show you the way...



Anonymous said...

Fancy joining me on my (sort of) time trial. 40k. 20k out towards Danshui, turn and back. Warm up for Hualien?

Chris W

obrien said...

That could be interesting... I'm meeting some guys at 6:30 in front of TAS. Sounds like that would work, if everyone's interested.

Does that time work for you?


Anonymous said...

Ok. I just start when we get to the big left hand junction on the way out to the 101 climb and, instead of turning right, just keep going towards Danshui along the coast road, turn on 20k and head back.