Sunday, August 13, 2006

Weekend Riding & Rides For the Week

What a great first week of riding back in Taiwan! Before a quick recap, here's an email that I received on Friday from Brenda Huff:

If you have a hankering to discover the many Taipei bike paths, please consider joining us for Saturday morning bike rides. We meet at TAS each Saturday (weather permitting) at 7:00 and decide where to go. The pace is fairly gentle, but we do sometimes split into different groups for more energetic rides.

There are several of us who have extra bikes if you have not visited Sean’s Giant bike shop yet.

If you have any questions, feel free to fire off an email.

Looking forward to seeing new faces on Saturday.

Brenda Huff

I haven't heard any report yet from Brenda's ride, but I bet they had a great spin as usual...

I was pleased to see two new faces- Tracy and Curt- at Saturday's 1 pm ride. They joined Leon, Rock, Dave and myself on a spin along the coast and up 101 from the back. The heat made for one of the toughest rides I've done in a long while, but we all made it to the summit.

I met up with Bill Bryson Friday evening and he told me that he, Kaight, Bill and some others were planning a 5 hour ride Saturday departing at 5 am. I haven't heard any ride reports yet...

Wally, Mick, Ron, Simon, Rock, Leon, Curt and I headed up to Helen's this morning. The heat wasn't quite as bad at 6:30. Helen's seems to be upgrading- new espresso machine, cemented bike racks and a website! It was nice to have a 50-50 split between TASers and non-TASers. There were also literally hundreds of other riders out in the hills- we easily outnumber the cars. We've decided to try to make the ride a regular occurence for the next few weeks. Any rider is welcome- I know Wally would like some company on the mountain bike (although I hear he may be leaning towards getting a new road bike!) and Mick would like some support in his anti-lycra campaign...

My Rides This Week

Tuesday: Depart TAS at 5:15 am for the Satellites ride. I know Ron and Chris will be there and I plan to twist Duffy's arm to get him and his whistle along.

Wednesday: Some morning ride (leaving 5-5:30ish). I think Bill Bryson may be heading out. Anyone got anything planned?

Thursday: Departing Tien Mu around 4 pm for an assault on Da Tuen Shan with Leon.

Saturday: Same ride as this Saturday but departing TAS at 6 am. We should be back between 9 and 10, depending on the number of stops.

Sunday: Same ride as this Sunday, departing TAS at the same time (6:30 am). Helen's has great hot and cold coffees as well as a tasty iced peach drink for those avoiding caffeine. It would be great to get some more cyclists out next Sunday...

Any changes to the above planned rides will be via a comment added to this posting.

Please feel free to post your own rides/ride reports/cycling musings to this blog. Just send an email to with the message title in the subject line and your message in the body of the email.

See you out in the hills!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How did Pantani go?