Hello cyclists (86 of you)!
I hear the Steves and Leon battled their way up past downed branches
for a ride to the Saddle the afternoon- hardcore cycling. Another 12
or so cyclists gathered Tuesday morning at 5 am in front of TAS-
again, it was great to see so many non-TASers out. The group split
into three different rides; I joined Alec, Dave and Craig for a flat
spin out past the incinerator along the coast. I can't say I'd want to
do that ride very often due to road conditions, smell and congestion,
but I appreciated learning a new route. I look forward to heading back
into the mountains next Tuesday morning!
I'm not sure what the weekend will hold weather-wise, but I'm planning
on meeting the speedy guys at TAS at 6:30 Saturday for a time trial of
some sorts (organized by Steve S.). I was also thinking of doing a
mellow ride out past the National Palace Museum Sunday at 1 pm with
some friends who hadn't ridden out that way before- anyone's welcome
to join me on that ride. I'll post the definite time
on http://taipeiycc.blogspot.com.
If you're riding and you'd like company, please consider posting to
the blog. To do it, just send an email
to yangmingshan.taipeiycc@blogger.com with the post title in the message subject and the posting in the
message body.
The photo below is of a group of cyclists who headed out to Damshui
this past Saturday. Ginny Ford leads the group that meets each
Saturday morning at 6 am at TAS. Anyone is welcome to join their rides.
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